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Qt Designer - create application GUI (Definite Integral Calculator)

"The only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it."  -  Dennis Ritchie Qt Designer - Create Application GUI (Definite Integral Calculator)   Introduction Using Qt Designer & python to creating a simple graphical user interface (GUI). You can use Python and the PyQt5 package to create nice-looking user interfaces that you and your users will enjoy đŸ‘Œ Installing Requirements  Here’s how to do it: $ pip install PyQt5 You cannot just pip install python3 because it is not a library. If you want to install the latest python3: $ pip install PyQt5Designer Qt Designer, Template of the application  Creating Simple Applications You can create a large variety of different cross-platform GUIs using Qt Designer tools. You can create anything from desktop widgets to more & fancy user interfaces. In my example below I start with an easy wri...

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